Sunday, April 19, 2009

Quote of the day...

"It's so hard to resist the desserts and junk food but its even better after I eat a healthy meal and workout with the FIRM...knowing I did my body good."

This really isn't a quote per say...its just something I wrote on my header I made for this now its a quote of mine because I LOVE it. Its so true for me...i LOVE desserts so badly...its hard every time I see desserts or my favorite junk food or meal that I cannot have...BUT I love the feeling I get every time I eat a healthy meal, every time I make wise food choices and every time I work my butt off with the FIRM workouts! Thats a WAY better feeling in my eyes!

If I went along with my first reaction to my desserts/junk food and ate them...afterwards my body would feel sick, i would be lethargic and tired and gain weight and I would be mad at myself for eating them...but instead I choose not to eat those and I eat the things that I know are going to properly fuel my body to run and work better for the long run and in return...i get energy, better quality of life, and a great feeling of knowing I am getting healthier! time i am faced with a dougnut or a piece of cake...i will turn it down and think to much better I will feel after a good healthy meal and workout...knowing I did my body good!

Onto other i worked out to Rock It Off with the FIRM using the wave. I bought a pair of 3 pound weights today at wal-mart for $3.77 each and incorporated them into my workout and WOW did it work..i was sweating buckets it felt like! Weights will make a difference...but you can only add weights or increase weights once a workout seems easy enough for you to do so...most of my FIRM's I still cannot use weights but the wave ones, I can! I am excited to weigh myself tomorrow and see if I am to 273 1/2 yet...that will be 35 pounds! WooHoo! Friday I was at 275!

Love, april

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