Friday, April 17, 2009

What a beautiful day...

Today is such a BEAUTIFUL day! The sun is shining, the sky is gorgeous and the temperature is an amazing 70’s! I love weather like this! I am also having an extreme happy day because of my weight loss and measurements! I have lost 33 ½ pounds and 31 ½ inches in three and a half months! WooHoo! Thank you God! I could NOT have done it without Him! I give all glory and praise to Him because without His strength that He gives me and the guidance and well…everything else…I could not have done it!

I feel SO good…even though I still weigh 275…I feel so much better and healthier! I can stretch and move so much more easier now and I have lots more energy! I have gone from a 26 to a tight 20. WooHoo!

Had a yummy chicken teriyaki salad today for lunch! Going down to parents tonight to visit and make a wedding cake for someone in their church so I will probably eat some chili or something on the way down there! No workout tonight for me! Back to the wave tomorrow! :0) I did SSS and Cardio express on the wave last night and LOVED it!

To God be the glory!

Love, april

1 comment:

  1. im a follower from your if blog and just am so proud of you and i dont even know you!!!! 30+ pounds is so amazing!!!!! i am so envious of your power and determination that you for being such a inspiration
