Wednesday, April 22, 2009


SICK! That is what I am right now! I caught a nasty head and chest cold from my parents when I was at their place this weekend! I caught up to me late Sunday night/early Monday morning! Its Wednesday and I cannot blow my nose enough! Did not know I could produce so much snot! Yuck!

Monday was my rest day but I have had to miss yesterday, tonight and maybe even tomorrow with my FIRM workouts because of being sick! I so badly want to workout but I know my body just cant do it right now! I am afraid to slow down my weight loss but also because I just miss the FIRM workouts…its fun and it makes me feel so good afterwards!

I went to my bi-monthly check up with the nutritionist/doc I am seeing and my body fat has went down a lot since last time, I lost 8 ¼ pounds since last weigh in making my weight 273! WooHoo! I have lost a total of 35.5 pounds so far! I have lost 34 inches also! I am doing so well, he has bumped my appointments out every three weeks now instead of two! YAY!

I am going away this weekend to a Women of Faith Conference and to see my parents! I am SOOO hoping I am back to normal by Friday so that I can enjoy the beautiful weekend! I do not like being sick at all…especially since I have been feeling so great lately with my new health! I still have lots to go...but already with just 35.5 down, I feel so much better!

Love, april

1 comment:

  1. nothing taste as good a healthy feels!! I wish you the best!! I too have a weight problem and have lost 80 pds and can now walk/jog and have started working out:) it does feel so good!! I have about 60 more to go but I will whip this weight problem!!
